Sustainability is expansive and addresses all aspects of economic and social activity within the Sultanate of Oman. Oman Petroleum & Energy Show (OPES) aims to accelerate the energy transition and achieve net zero objectives in lines with national and global goals. OPES is organised responsibly with an aim to minimize the impact on society, thereby propagating the energy shift to all parts of the social community.

Some of the initiatives undertaken to reduce the environmental impact of organising events:
  • Repurposing of event builds – The event feature areas, set and stage are repurposed for multi-usage.
  • Repurposing stand fabrication – The exhibitor stands are produced with reusable wood stands.
  • Digital registration – Online registrations and e-badges are introduced for granting entry to attendees at the event.
  • Replacing printed literature with digital material – The pre-event marketing campaign comprises digital material and non-print media for promotions, including e-invitations, e-leaflets, digital advertisements, etc.
  • Digital Show Guide – The traditional print show guides are replaced with digital show guides enabling easy navigation of information for users on mobile or laptop.
  • Reducing single use plastic – Single-use plastic is replaced with recyclable glass, wherever applicable.
  • Reducing food wastage – To minimize food wastage, experienced F&B partners are contracted for precision in food quantity.